Hub designs abroad

Here are some notes from Nynke comparing Hubs,

London Islington vs. KIngs Cross:
- Islington: messy, feels homy (is that a word?), invites members to add to the space, creative, alife, vibrant, raw warehouse feel, extremely cold in winter, extremely hot in summer. This all communicated and accepted by the members.
- Kings Cross: there has been no co-creation, there's a cafe which almost makes it feel like a cafe rather than a hub, two floors, designers, clean environment, more formal.

I think the spaces attract different kinds of entrepreneurs. Kings Cross is located near the station and attracts commuters and entrepreneurs that prefer a more formal environment. Also the meeting spaces in Kings Cross are used by boards, corporate, established organisations.

Rotterdam vs. Amsterdam
- Rotterdam: everything is co-created, furniture is contributed by members, tables, shelves, cup boards are designed by members, painting has been done by members. It all looks a bit messy, but creative and homy. Easy accessible. It invites people to add things to the space.
- Amsterdam: It is located in a very clashy building, also moooi designers have their store at the ground floor. People need a code to enter the space and have to enter via a very chique designers hall way which makes it less accessible to some groups. The space itself feels clean, still creative and vibrant. I think this space can also be an attractive working environment for people that are used to work in corporate environments.

Let's bring a lamp

In terms of what we could bring to the Hub I also like Inge's idea of bringing a lamp or light...I could image a shelf of crazy lamps that you can chose from as you walk in.

Attached is a photo of a lamp that I made out of wood veneer strips

Recognising founding partners and members

Was thinking three things for our founding partners and members:

1)      That everybody could bring a trophy, certificate or award from their youth that could sit on the mantelpiece.

2)      A knitted mural or scarf that would have a small panel for all members

3)      I have a badge making machine! Am thinking the membership card could be a badge.

Workshop: Knitting Dreams

My name is Marianne, I am from Chile, the long and thin country in
South America.
I am travelling for 1 year around Australia and soon across to India and Nepal.
I am fascinated in the human being and its capacity to create and
love. I believe that each individual has a special gift, a unique
talent that could transform the world. This is our work in life, to
discover it.
I love the words of Alejandro Jodorowsky, who says: "If not you?...
who? If not now?... when? If not here?... where? If not for all?...
for what?".Try to discover that every day, inspire me.

I learnt how to knit when I was a little girl (younger) by observing
my mother and grandmother.
When I am knitting, the time disappears, my mind stops thinking and
becomes calm and in peace… I introduce myself in a sacred space.
I want to keep this art alive- I want to share this skill with other
people. It is a gift of our grandparents and our great grandparents,
and if we don´t continue learning and teaching it, it will disappear.
Nowadays, a lot of people look for fast results. Knitting is an
invitation to stop the clock, to be an artist, to look around and feel
inspired by the colors that surround us and translate them into an
item of clothing or an object made by our own hands.
By Making something with our own hands, we become empowered, we
realize that we don’t need always to depend of others. To buy new

What I would like to offer to you for the Hub building is to develop
a knitting workshop day where I can teach the people to knit and also
invite the people who already know how to knit. They could also teach
others their techniques.
What I want is to take a time to teach them this old tradition,
knitting pieces of different colors and forms. We are not looking for
the best, we would like to encourage people to use their hands.

This workshop is not only about knitting. It is mainly about
discovering the own creativity and share a new experience. Sometimes
it’s hard for some people to join together and communicate between
each other. The feeling in a community inspires people, specially in
current days when we take so much time in front of a computer, talk
largely by phone or watch TV for many hours.,

This workshop is an invitation to share an experience, but over all to
bring this experience lived there to our daily life: all of us have
the potenciality to make the things we want to do. Each have a great
capacity to learn and create . And when we share with others what we
do with love and also working all together in the same direction, the
results can be wonderful…. And that is the HUB for me. A oportunity
to work togheter in community and make dreams become trut.

My proposal is to use each and all pieces knitted in the workshop to
make what is named “knitting graffity”. We will use the pieces to
decorate creatively a space in the Hub building. An idea is to dress
a tree (like the picture attached). Other idea is to make a big flag
with many colors, like the peace flag.

Usually, people think that they can’t change the face of the world but
actually, if we all act together we can ….

Let's...... Knittg!!

Warms regards

Site Update page

We've just added a page so that you can quickly access the latest Programme, Brief and Plan.

Feel free to keep posting to the main blog, all the ideas are streaming into the mix through occupation and conversation