HUB - now that's a meeting room!!

Ta da!!!

Donated wormwood timber from Docklands paid to Damien for a urban design job, passed to David's skilled hands found through a chance meeting of Andy at dinner after a hard day at the hub last week. Legs offered by Brendan who made our Eco stools with Damien, left over from their urban reforestation project in the Docklands which created the set of partitions that now populate the hub - a project that was a grandmother of our community just across the tracks. Michelle and Jan sew felt covers and patches to the meeting chairs inspired by State Library of Victoria seat durability patches and left over felt from the host sign, which were sourced at Melbourne University by Michelle after her last project with McBride Charles Ryan for the Brownless Library (where the massive coworking table is from). It was all pink!

Beautiful work David!